Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Strike A Pose

Lately, more and more, Audrey likes to see the world from a different point of view. For whatever reason, she likes to lean over and turn her head to the side and look up at me. She'll do in randomly here and there, but this morning, did it after every bite of cereal and then later when I was taking her picture. What a silly girl! Here's some proof I caught on camera...
Those are blueberries in case you are wondering!
She kinda looks like she has a kink in her neck, silly baby.


Jackie said...

she will forever, be a goofball. Maybe it's a sign that she will always look at things with a "differnt angle"

Megan said...

she is a silly baby! But your mom's right! (yer mom) maybe Audrey will be a revolutionary thinker someday. who knows? she is destined for great things. :)

granny said...

What a cutie. Tip over.

Heather said...

She likes to lean to that one side apparently. Goof.

Meg said...

coincidentally, I look exactly the same as audrey after eating blueberries