Nine Weeks Old: Really tracking things and people with her eyes, watching her mobile and looking at everything. Moving hands everywhere and keeps hitting herself in the head. Lots of smiles and cooing when people talk to her!
Eight Weeks Old: Lots more looking around, sleeping longer, usually just get up once a night now, around 4 or 5 and then back to sleep. Love to sleep on people and not in the crib in the day, we're working on this, haha. I got a record 5 hours of sleep in a row.
Seven Weeks Old: Making spit bubbles now! Got vaccines and weights 12.2 lbs now.
Six Weeks Old: Many more smiles. Lots of eye contact and moving around. Love to look at the sky. Randomly turned over from belly to back, but haven't done it again since, just a fluke I guess. Still get up 2X a night to eat, but I love rocking her back to sleep afterwards.
Six Weeks Old: Many more smiles. Lots of eye contact and moving around. Love to look at the sky. Randomly turned over from belly to back, but haven't done it again since, just a fluke I guess. Still get up 2X a night to eat, but I love rocking her back to sleep afterwards.
Five Weeks Old: Chris was changing Audrey and she smiled at him. I rushed in and I got one little smile too! It was the best moment ever! I kept finding her in her crib lying on her side all curled up of with her legs stuck throught the crib rails. Making cooing noises and went to Ryan and Katie's wedding.
Four Weeks Old: Starting to look around and notice things, especially light out the window. Like to stare at the TV. Lifting neck a little more when lying on tummy.
Three Weeks Old: Baby dedication at church and Mother's Day!
Two Weeks Old: Started crying and not sleeping all day anymore. Started getting gas pains in the evening. Now 8lbs 12 oz.! Longest sleep I got was 4 hours in a row.
One Week Old: Sleeping randomly and a lot, we just do whatever she wants! 1st baby appt, she pooped 2X while we were there! Went on walks, garage saling, Culver's, Walmart. G+G Hemmer babysat her for the 1st time and Chris and I went to Mr. Pizza. 1st road trip to Adams, MN to see Great-Great Grandpa Neil
1st Day at Home: We brought Audrey home and layed her in her pack and play, where she did all her sleeping for the 1st 2 weeks. Then I finally felt comfortable enough for her to sleep in her crib.
Two Weeks Old: Started crying and not sleeping all day anymore. Started getting gas pains in the evening. Now 8lbs 12 oz.! Longest sleep I got was 4 hours in a row.
One Week Old: Sleeping randomly and a lot, we just do whatever she wants! 1st baby appt, she pooped 2X while we were there! Went on walks, garage saling, Culver's, Walmart. G+G Hemmer babysat her for the 1st time and Chris and I went to Mr. Pizza. 1st road trip to Adams, MN to see Great-Great Grandpa Neil
1st Day at Home: We brought Audrey home and layed her in her pack and play, where she did all her sleeping for the 1st 2 weeks. Then I finally felt comfortable enough for her to sleep in her crib.