It's getting old, I'm very excited to be done with it all. Hopefully I'll pass my test on the 11th, which is now 12 days away. After that I still have like 3 wks of orientation, but at least I'll be done with class.
The excitement begins with Aug 16th, this is, hopefully, when Chris and I will be taking his lil' sis Laura and her friend to the Dells. It sounds like we're doing it for them, but it actually all started with me, I'm dying to go! I love water parks and have never been there. Chris agreed to go and then we were like hey, lets take the girls! So, our plan is to drive the 2.5 hours, stay all day and drive back.
The freedom truly begins on August 29th, this will be the best day ever, because I will be DONE with orientation officially and on my way to Rosseau, MN with the fam for Jamey and Kate's wedding. This shall be followed by Chris and I having our first camping trip, in Duluth, on the way home from Rosseau. Of course, I have yet to plan any of this, aside from booking the campsite. But I'll start the planning, when class and tests are OVER! I hope I pass.
I have 5 solid days (today was the 1st) that I have pre-dedicated to studying. I hope this is enough since it's all I have. I haven't counted, but I'm guessing I have around 70-ish power point presentation to go through and figure out what's most important that I learn. I also have to brush up on heart rhythms and be prepared to demonstate advanced life support stuff (that part is either pass or fail) I know I'll be fine on that part, I have have to learn a bit more.
On the floor time has been fine, stressful and hard though. I had my first patient die. Did I already write about this? Well, the family decided to take this patient off life support. So, we were there to guide them through it and keep the patient comfortable. It was very very different let's just say. How strange to watch someone's heart stop beating. I also had a patient die the other day in a similar way, not while I was taking care of him, but I had taken care of him several times. I also had to watch a family of like 2o people get the news that they're loved one died in surgery, which is rather rare according to our stats. It was so awful. But I do like being there and learning to be someone that can help people through moments like that.
Last night I had a patient that actually wasn't sedated and was actually taking to me. It gave me, for the first time on this unit, a flashback of working on the ortho floor. He put his call light on several times, was very needy, talked up a storm, and pretty much drove me nuts, hhahahaha. However, on the floor, you have like 3 of those people at once, makes me glad I moved jobs. It's rewarding either way, it's just a different kind of exhausting.
Aside from work, life at home is very good. Chris is busy too! He's in 2 summer classes right now. They go extra fast, compared to a normal trimester, so he's reading up a storm. He has a week left and then only 2 classes left in the fall trimester and he will be DONE! I remember when he had like 3 years left, that seemed like an eternity, but I knew this day would come. I am so proud of him and how hard he works. I know I used to study like that, but it's hard to do it now again and he's my inspiration! The other day he got back a test and found out that he had the highest score in the class and was the curve setter :) Whoo hoo! He's doing very well. He's still doing his internship at Scottrade, but there may be some new things coming up for him, we'll see.
The past couple days have been a bit educational, as Chris has found out some things about his Dad's side of the family that he didn't know. It's kinda sparked an interest in us to learn even more about that family tree. Seriously, the story could be turned into a movie, it's crazy.
Chris is at school right now in the cities, maybe hanging out with Brice too. Hopefully I won't make anyone nauseous, but I just wanna say that I really really love my husband and he's very wonderful and I'm so proud to be his wife :)
I got to do something fun last week, I got to hang out with my buddy David, heehee, that's my friend Kelsey's 2 mo. year old baby boy! We went on a walk, had lunch at Quiznos with my mom and took pictures of ourselves, well I did the picture taking of course.
I also have gotten to spend some time with my dear friend Cara. She came home for a few weeks before starting her new job in Cincinatti! We had lots of fun, I love when she's home. My fav thing we did was hang out with the statues by Mayo. I have pics I'll put up in here. We swam a bit at her pool and were the singers one night while playing rock band. Heehee! Come back Cara, I miss you! Cara takes her NCLEX test soon, the test I took 2 years ago, to become a nurse, so send her a prayer if you think of it!
Sam and Jensen, my little cousins came to Rochester about 1 1/2 wks ago. I got to hang out with them a lot, which is such a blessing, as they live a few hours away and I dont' see them as much as I wish I did. Jensen and I had a fun adventure going to the Christian Bookstore to pick her out a grown up bible. She got to watch as her name was pressed into the bible (the same thing I got to do when I was 6 years old with my mom!). We also went swimming and then just this last weekend we went up to their home to their b-day party. Fun fun fun.
I also saw the movie Mamma Mia with Kelsey (which I just loved), Batman with my whole fam followed by pizza with Jenny (Brice's girlfriend) and her fam, and I did get to have lunch with Heather at some point! So, I have done fun things too this summer. Last night I talked to Casey who I miss very much! She is in Kansas, about to start real life teaching! She sounds like she's doing well! I also got to see Bricey last week and we all played volleyball and a new game called sticks and blocks, heehee, fun fun! Speaking of volleyball, my work team is once again in the lead this summer! I miss my Hemmer cousins, they're off on vacation, I think I'll see them this weekend, wait, I work, nevermind...
Well, I better wrap this up, it's getting long and some of you have issues with that, but it looks like I did remember to blog afterall. My parents are coming to pick me up and take me out for icecream, yippeee!!!!! They should be here soon!
Love you all and sorry if I left something out!
PS: I'm so excited for gymnastics in a few weeks! I love the summer olympics!
Love, Brie
Picture Time!!!
Cara and I at our alma mater elementary school Sunset Terrace!
Cara and I with the Mayo brothers!
Jensen in Cara's pool
Me and the bestie
Sweet lil' David and I
Chris and David, don't you just love David's face here? So cute!
It's my turn to have the Supernintendo, yes!!
My husband and I