Saturday, November 05, 2011

A Cliche Thanksgiving Post

A list of things I'm thankful for...

1. Jesus Christ
2. Christopher Lewis
3. Audrey Joanne
4. My parents (Rick and Jackie)
5. My grandparents (Mary, Gale, Joanne, Wayne)
6. My entire family and friends
7. A family blessed with safety and health
8. A roof over my head
9. A job for me and a job for Chris
10. America
11. My church body and MOPs
12. The assurance of Christ and his promises and therefore hope and the absolute truth.
13. PHCA
14. Movie theaters and their popcorn
15. Gilmore Girls
16. Our couch, it's so comfy
17. Lakes and sunshine
18. The gigantic bank of amazing memories stored in my brain from my whole life :)
19. Raspberries
20. Jonny Lang and David Crowder
21. The blessed, undeserved life that I've been given by Christ crucified (stolen from J.Riddle)
22. All the people that help me
23. Freedom!
24. 2 working cars (please keep working!)
25. Apple orchards and pumpkin carvning
26. My parent's house.
27. Target and Walmart
28. Two arms and two legs, as well as functioning organs. Being a nurse makes me appreciate these things. 
29. Toilet paper, hey, imagine if we didn't have it
30. The mall playland.

Happy Thanksgiving Month! Oh yeh, I'm thankful for Grandma's turkey, I can't wait...oh yum!!!


granny said...

When I was growing up as a kid we didn't have toilet paper. We used the out dasted Sears catalog and the wards one too.m We also used the wrappers off the peaches that Ma bought to can. The slipery pages of the catalogs wern't very good to use. Ha Ha.

Jackie said...

Liked your post Brianna, You certainly do have a lot to be thankful for. (I may have to copy you at some point).
F.Y.I. Raspberries on sale at Hy-vee for $1.77, I bought two.
P.S. I'm thankful for you!

Megan said...

loved the new post! it's about time! i like it when you post things. yip yip!